The premise here is that we have a temple and our mind inhabits that temple. The temple is an edifice for religious exercises or a place devoted for a special purpose. When we use the word temple we commonly define it as a sacred place. Sacred is a place in which is dedicated or set apart for the worship of a deity. The sacred is usually reverence for that which is Holy; not profane and not secular.
To look at our bodies with these definitions gives us another outlook on life. Above we've established that our bodies are sacred. Sacredness of body will cause us to rethink and ponder our habits in relationship with our bodies and how we treat them. For instance what we see, smell, taste feel, hear, and sense affects the health of our bodies. When it comes to living an artful life those very senses play a major role in keeping us healthy. Keeping our human bodies healthy is our goal.
Pondering upon all this information some confusion just may have entered into your thoughts. Think of it this way: "what we put into our body directly affects our health." How? By the foods we eat and drink, by what we breathe in besides oxygen, by our thoughts and ideas. If we continue to eat saturated fat, fried foods, and large portions our bodies will become slushy, fatigued, slow moving machines. (Me two years ago carrying nearly 240 pounds.) Think about what happens when you add cigarettes, too much beer, and possibly drugs. I'm not here to place judgment. I just want you to think about how your body feels after partaking in these vices. I believe whole heartily that being as healthy as we can be is having your body be sacred.
Actions have consequences and with those actions come the treatment of our body. Doing dangerous things like rock-climbing, mountaineering, kayaking, canoeing, extreme bicycling, motorcycling or even race car driving is welcome. Before taking on such endeavors we need to think through the consequences of our actions, and wear all safety equipment as they apply. One slip up can mean life or death especially without specific safety protection. For instance don't want to go rock-climbing without ropes and carabineers. We need not ride our motorcycles without at least helmet, gloves, jacket and rubber soled boots.
Danger is all around us, and what we choose to do can help or hinder. We can get hurt just by walking across the street. I firmly believe that if we were conscious then our risks would be minimal. Our body is sacred, a temple unto God or the Universe we currently live. What does sacred mean to you? How can you define the body as a temple? Our lives, our body is precious, and needs to be treated as such. Even if we cover our bodies with tattoos, those tattoos are on the temple of our soul. What do you want to convey? Or we could say, "What is your intention with the tattoos or anything else we do to our bodies.
The things we eat, breathe, smell, or do to our bodies has a lasting affect upon the health of our bodies. There is a theory about Hepatitis "C." That Theory states that Hepatitis "C" could be the result of having tongues pierced. The thought is that the tongue has changed, and now will allow more bacteria into the body in which the liver has to clean out. This is only a theory, because we also know that dirty needles can bring about Hepatitis "C."
The body is our sacred temple. By thinking about our health in relationship with our bodies we provide ways in which to honor our human body. This body is our outer shell from the world's mess including stress, disease, and bacteria. Take care of your temple, enjoy life, and wear all safety devices as they apply. Listen to the words that have been used, and know that they will come out of your own mouth. What we hear goes into our brain, and will enter our thoughts. In order to maintain our temple we must nurture and care for it, in a sacred manner.
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