When the missionaries arrived in Polynesia in the late 18th century, they did all they could to eradicate all the traditional Polynesian culture by destroying temples and carvings, and banning tattoos as well as their heady erotic dancing. As a result Tahitians no longer worship their old gods. But as some of their traditional ways managed to survive, these still have an influence on their lives.
Recently there has been an increased interest in the old ways and there is a strong movement towards rediscovering traditional arts. Traditional musical instruments are coming back, such as the pahu and toere drums, as well as the nose flute called the vivo. With the influx of foreigners into Polynesia came guitars and ukuleles, which were incorporated into the Polynesian sound to form a distinctive South Pacific island groove. Customary dancing (tamure) is also making its way back into French Polynesian life.
Tahitian families have traditionally been large, with extended families sharing a home. These days some couples may still live with either spouse's parents after marriage, but only for a while, until they find their feet. The trend towards nuclear families is increasing as their contact with western culture increases. Family ties remain very strong, however, and children are highly valued. Grandparents play a pivotal role in the rearing of their grandchildren, as do sets of adoptive parents, known as faamu.
As with most older cultures, marriage partners were chosen by the family and not by the prospective couple. Today, however, young people have more freedom to choose whom they want to marry. Marriages are still celebrated with great feasts and festivities.
French Polynesia has a very laid back and casual approach to life, and this is most easily observed in their manner of dress. Dress standards are relaxed in classy restaurants and if you decide on beach wear; you need only bother with the waist down. Church is another matter and should be attended in your very best clothes, no beach wear (even with the tops) allowed.
The islands have a unique culinary style that combines old South Pacific cooking methods with French gastronomy with Italian and Chinese influences. The old traditional pit ovens, called ahimaa, are still used to cook food all around the Pacific. This involves a hole in the ground, stones placed in it and a fire lit to heat the stones. The food wrapped in banana leaves is placed on top and the hole is filled in with earth. It is baked for several hours.
A favourite dessert is baked banana or papaya puree, covered with sugar and coconut milk and served hot. Coconut milk is versatile and can be used in savoury dishes as well, like chicken casseroles. Fish is a popular dish and is often marinated before being grilled or baked. It is considered impolite for a guest to refuse an offer of food, it is best to leave some food on your plate if you have had enough as this reassures the host that you have been well fed and ensures that no further helpings are served.
Tattooing has been a part of French Polynesian culture from the very start and has great aesthetic appeal. Both men and women are decorated by elaborate designs although it is considered socially more important that men be tattooed than women. Tattoo artists held high rank in Polynesian society. Their instruments were combs with sharp teeth made of bone or tortoiseshell that were attached to a handle. The comb was placed on the skin and forced in with a little mallet. The ink or dye was made from an oily fruit, which were placed on skewers and then burnt soot. The soot was then diluted with water and was ready for colouring purposes.
Facial designs were restricted to large areas of pigmentation, while on the rest of the body designs were grouped according to motifs. Human shapes were the most common motifs, especially eyes, arms and legs. According to some discoveries made in the Tuamotus, only a few atolls had men that were completely tattooed. Women were typically tattooed with simple lines on their arms and legs only. Each island had its own distinguishing patterns that determined kinship.
The desire for cultural identity has risen among the Polynesian youth of today and more and more are having themselves tattooed in the traditional manner. The art has been revived and practiced for several years, and is especially popular during July festivities.
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